DESS Brand Colours

Hero Palette

Our hero brand colours are Black, White and Red.


Use RGB and Hex value for all digital applications. For print, we recommend using RGB in cases where you can’t provide the Pantone values. We have found providing RGB and flagging to the printer so that they may best match the digital colour with the way their specially calibrated machine yields the truest result.

dess logo

Colour Palette

HEX : #000000
RGB : 0/0/0
CMYK : 0/0/0/10
RGB : 255/255/255
CMYK : 0/0/0/0
HEX : #D2042D
RGB : 210/4/45
CMYK : 0/98/79/18

Neutral Colour Palette

HEX : #000000
RGB : 0/0/0
CMYK : 0/0/0/10
RGB : 255/255/255
CMYK : 0/0/0/0
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