Patterns in Graphic Design: Understanding What it Means and How to Use It

Patterns in Graphic Design: Understanding What it Means and How to Use It

Understanding the Role of Patterns in Graphic Design

Graphic design comprises various elements that seamlessly integrate to create a cohesive and highly effective whole. Patterns are one such element. Skillful use of patterns can draw the eye, highlight specific design elements, and focus the viewer's attention where needed.

What Does Using Patterns Mean in Graphic Design?

In graphic design, patterns refer to repeating elements within a design. A pattern involves at least two elements working together. Patterns can span the entire design, emphasizing continuity and repetition, or appear intermittently throughout. A design is considered to contain a pattern if the elements repeat, regardless of the size or number of elements.

How to Use Patterns in Graphic Design

Patterns and textures serve multiple purposes in a design, such as:

- Defining surfaces

- Showing or influencing scale

- Conveying a specific design style

- Adding visual interest

- Drawing attention to particular areas

Here are some effective ways to incorporate patterns into your designs:

1. Create Branded Merchandise with Patterns

Use patterns based on your logo or brand colours to create cohesive branded merchandise. Repeating patterns can be applied to stationery, website headers, and other branded content.

2. Enhance Designs with Patterns and Textures

Real-world items have texture and pattern, not just flat backgrounds. Adding textures and patterns to your design can enhance its appearance and make it more dynamic.

3. Highlight Key Areas with Patterns

Incorporate patterns into specific areas of your design to make them stand out. Patterns can draw attention to and emphasize particular elements.

4. Use Repeating Patterns to Emphasize Important Elements

Repeating patterns can evoke familiarity and guide the viewer's focus. Highlight the most crucial parts of your design by using consistent patterns.

5. Break Patterns to Make Elements Stand Out

Establishing a pattern creates visual familiarity, helping viewers know what to expect. Breaking that pattern can emphasize specific elements, creating a visual impact and evoking an emotional response.

6. Associate Patterns with Specific Elements

In comics, you might use patterns to distinguish characters or settings. On websites, patterns can help differentiate between pages. Viewers may subconsciously associate patterns with specific elements, setting expectations and reinforcing connections.


Patterns, from geometric designs to natural motifs, are a powerful tool in graphic design. CorelDRAW can help you create and replicate patterns, ensuring a cohesive final product that directs attention where you want it. Explore our software today to start designing.

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