Hierarchy in Graphic Design: Understanding What it Means and How to Use It

Hierarchy in Graphic Design: Understanding What it Means and How to Use It

Hierarchy in graphic design is crucial for illustrating how the elements of your piece interact, highlighting essential components while minimizing others. Understanding hierarchy enables you to craft designs that resonate with your audience.

What is Hierarchy in Graphic Design?

Hierarchy in graphic design utilizes principles like size, colour, contrast, alignment, repetition, and brightness to emphasize elements within the design, guiding viewers to focus on key aspects.

Why is Hierarchy Important in Graphic Design?

Understanding hierarchy ensures that crucial elements stand out, directing viewer attention effectively. Overemphasizing less important elements can distract from the main message, whereas utilizing hierarchy strategically keeps focus on the intended focal points.

Using Hierarchy in Graphic Design

When designing, consider these elements to enhance hierarchy and emphasize important features:

  • Colour: Bright colours naturally attract attention, highlighting specific elements or areas of focus.
  • Size: Larger elements draw more attention and can be used to emphasize key aspects of the design.
  • Alignment: Strategic placement within the design can make elements stand out, such as using the rule of thirds or central alignment.
  • Repetition: Repeating patterns or elements reinforces their importance and draws attention.
  • Proximity: Placing related elements close together indicates their connection or comparison within the design.
  • White Space: Using blank space effectively around elements directs attention and enhances their significance.


Effective graphic design hinges on mastering hierarchy to prioritize and communicate key elements. Explore CorelDRAW for powerful graphic design solutions tailored to enhance hierarchical elements in your designs.

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